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Boston Interiors Furniture Stores
        "Winter Sale 07-08 - Furniture Says a Lot" :30 (2.5MB)
        "Winter Sale 07-08 - Furniture Says a Lot - 2" :30 (2.5MB)
        "Bonus Days" :10 (1.8MB)

Spalding Golf Balls
        "Windy" :30 (1.8 MB)

Dove Soap (Lever Bros.)
        "Pearlene" :30 (908 K)
        "Laurie" :30 (592 K)

Tang (General Foods)
        "Traveling Taste Test" :30 (1 MB)

Massachusetts State Lottery
        "Frank and Elaine" :30 (840 K)
        "Quitting Time" :30 (561 K)
        "Hospital" :15 (548 K)
        "Stocks" :15 (398 K)

Rhode Island Group Health Association (RIGHA HMO)
        "Tango" :30 (664 K)
        "Mohawk" :30 (1.1 MB)
        "Baby Blanket" :30 (460 K)
        "Starving Stella" :30 (544 K)
        "Maternity" :30 (3.8 MB)
        "Allergy" :30 (472 K)

Archdiocese of Boston
        "A Few Good Men" :30 (592 K)

Emerson Lane Fortuna Advertising (Internal)
        "By Heart" :40 (452 K)